Dear Colleagues:
Although I have already mentioned the publication of this book, I
write again to inform you that Cambridge University Press will offer
a 20% discount to all ODG members who use the attached form to
purchase the book. More information on
Exploring Private Law
can be found at:
As a reminder the contributors to the collection are: Elise Bant,
Matthew Harding, Keith Mason, Paul Finn, Andrew Burrows, Michael
Tilbury, Megan Richardson, Tang Hang Wu, Helen Scott, Daniel Visser,
Mitchell McInnes, Birke Häcker, Robert Chambers, Sarah Worthington,
Anthony Duggan, James Edelman, Richard Nolan, Matthew Conaglen,
Lusina Ho, Lionel Smith, Katy Barnett, Andrew Robertson, Peter
Watts, Kelvin Low.
Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435